
Seller Wanted Listings Expand to Buyers Who Don’t Also Sell

Our recently released Seller Wanted Listings made it easy to buy boxes wholesale on BoxCycle. They also made it possible to sell through BoxCycle without creating a listing and holding inventory, something that was frequently requested by users.

Today, we are expanding access to Seller Wanted Listings to buyers who aren’t also selling boxes. Our focus is on buyers who are looking for larger quantities and/or have a regular need for boxes, but all types of buyers are supported.

Buyers who create (or already have) a regular Wanted Listing / Notification Request, with specific box information, will see an invitation on their listing page to convert to a Seller Wanted Listing. A seller account is still required to have a Seller Wanted Listing, but the conversion process automatically copies buyer details from the Notification Request to make this step easier. After the conversion, the buyer can optionally update buy prices or setup their pickup rules.

Since custom buy prices and buyer-only listings accommodate transactions that weren’t originally possible, buyer commission is now calculated from either quantity or value instead of just quantity: see the latest buyer fee details.

We are excited about enabling and expanding this new way to reuse cardboard boxes.

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